Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Not Every Day

It is not every day that we write winning words. Some days we write crap. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't write every day. We've mentioned several times that editing can come later. What is crap today can take a life of its own later and become the beautiful piece it was meant to be. The editing makes the difference.

Some days, we just don't have great ideas. Write them anyway. I have to believe that within the garbage resides a few choice morsels that make the attempt worthwhile. It is up to us to preserve those morsels along with the garbage so that they are there, ready and waiting, when we need them.

Even after we have uncovered all of our gems and set them out for display, there is still much work to do in polishing our show pieces so that they put their best sides forward. The same goes for our words. We pick out those thoughts and ideas that are valuable to us. We arrange them in some semblance of order and create a working document. Then, and only then, we go for refinement.

Even after we have spent all that time refining, there is still a chance that another look will show us something we have missed. We want to look at our work with a fresh vision. We want to see our work as our reader would see it. Can this be said so that it makes just a bit more sense? Will my reader know exactly what I'm talking about? If there is any doubt, refine the piece again.

Every day, we should make the effort to write. I offered up the twenty minute test earlier in the month. Write for twenty minutes each day. By the time the twenty minutes is done, we will normally be well into our work and continue without regard to time. If the words don't come as easy today as they did yesterday, that's okay. Keep them coming. There's plenty of time to take stock of content and value later.

For now, just write.


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