Thursday, August 25, 2005

Left Behind

When I didn't think my life could go any lower... When I didn't think I could face another tomorrow, my daughter's face came to me through the fog and bade me goodbye. At that time, I knew it was okay to continue living. I knew it would never be the same, but it would work out. My daughter did that for me. I will never forget her sweet innocence. I will love her in that state always.

For months, I suffered the nightmares of events I did not witness. My imagination may have been worse than the actual happenings, but no one would ever be able to convince me of that. Everything I had, everything I loved, was gone. My belief in the human condition had been eroded away in bits and pieces since my divorce. The land slid into the waters and made mud after this.

The mud is hardening now where I can get to my feet on occasion. My existence has been only that for some time. Once I am back on solid ground, I can experience life as it was meant to be. That is a much different life from yesterday, but it is all I have. I will survive tomorrow and, most likely, the day after. There is a reason I was left behind. I just need to find out what that reason is.


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

You have found it. The reason is always there. Sometimes we just need a helping hand. ~ James

Saturday, August 27, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

Thanks for reading my little flash fiction! Believe me, I have found very little.

Saturday, August 27, 2005  

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