Friday, October 14, 2005

Sweetest Day

Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed. Isn't it Murphy's Law that if something can go wrong, it will? My co-worker left for vacation Thursday and will not be back for a week and a half. And, of course, something he was working on has come to a head and now this project is wanted yesterday. So, guess who gets it?

First of all, this guy has been taking on a large load so that I could work on other projects. This is wonderful. However, it also means that I haven't done many of the things that he does on a regular basis. It isn't so bad when I can walk to the next cubicle or yell over the wall to talk to him, but when he's having a good time at Disney World, that doesn't work. I could still do all those things, but I'm unlikely to get any answers.

I've been telling him for months that he can't keep doing this stuff. He has to let me learn the network management aspect of things. Well, I have always felt that the best way to learn something is to simply do it. We just don't see eye to eye on what the end product should look like. That's fine, too. If I know how he expects something to look, I can get to that result.

I spent the entire day trying to make sense out of this project. I have a couple of workable pieces now. I have a couple more that I'm not happy with and two more that I have no clue about. Then, there are some things that I haven't even touched yet. Fotunately, the idea is only to make some progress while my co-worker is gone. And, that is what I am doing.

I have so many meetings coming up in the next two weeks it isn't even funny. With this going on as well, I should definitely be busy. But, hey, I don't have to worry about it until Monday. So, let's enjoy the weekend, shall we?

Around here, tomorrow is known as Sweetest Day. It is an American Greetings holiday to boost sales of cards. Consider it to be a Valentine's Day in October.

Happy Sweetest Day, all.


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