Monday, October 03, 2005

Backing Up

It was a gorgeous day today. I should have known that things were going too well when the project that I was working on was finished early this morning. I spent some time pondering it just so it wouldn't be done too early. Of course, though, it brought on other questions that took that much longer to answer. And, the project included too much information. Fortunately, the way I had it coded, it was no problem to delete the unwanted pieces.

Everything was backed up before the delete was done. I just know someone will come back and want the other piece of the project. So, it is safe. Hmm, does that mean we're going to talk about backing up information? Could be.

Whenever something takes us awhile to do, I have two recommendations. Save often and back up the original. If you save your work often, there's less of a chance to lose what you've done. I know recently, I wrote a poem and lost it before it was posted. The rewrite may have been better, I will never know. I'm thinking even that long blog entries would be better served when saved as drafts and added to from there.

If you're like me, I never get around to removing the backup copies. I would rather, though, have the thing twice in two different forms, than not at all. Cleanup can happen one day when we're bored. If we're taking the time to create this thing, take the time to save it as well.

It just makes sense.


Blogger Erin said...

oh how I wish people would take this advice! I'm so tired of hearing people complain about losing massive amounts of their work and expecting sympathy when it's their own fault that it wasn't backed up!

*steps off soap box*


Wednesday, October 05, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

Every so often, I have to turn the topic back to something to do with writing. I think this worked out very well.

Considering that this project should have been about two hours and turned into a two-day thing, you can be damned sure I made copies of everything!

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005  

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