Saturday, September 03, 2005

The World

The world is far from being a perfect place. Some people spend years dreaming of coming to America and living the American Dream. I have to wonder where that dream is today. Desperate people are apt to take desperate measures. It is so easy for the mob mentality to take over. All we need to do is look at New Orleans to see this. Taken one at a time, each person has merit and good qualities abound. Apply a dose of mother nature and circumstance, and latent hostility and resentment rise to the surface. Our animal instincts come alive.

It is hard to imagine the desperation faced and the lives lost in the aftermath of Katrina. We can only cycle through our own emotions that are tempered by better conditions than those faced elsewhere. The news isn't good, either. This mess is no where near being cleaned up and the next hurricane is out there, somewhere, gaining strength.

People are starving while waiting in line to get the food and water just brought in. Some won't make it to the front of the line. Let's take a moment to remember, though, that there are people starving in our own cities and our own neighborhoods. We're quick to send our money elsewhere, but are our own houses in order as well?

The world is no where near perfect. Take a look around and see for yourself.