Friday, September 02, 2005


It is weird. Yesterday was unreal and today I'm finding it difficult to believe. I KNOW I got the phone call and I KNOW I heard my name on the radio no less than seven times yesterday. And, NO, I haven't heard anything yet. I went to the web site of the radio station and got answers for a couple of my questions. The grand prize winner for each month is drawn from the daily winners for that month. So, four winners a day times the number of working days in a month. There aren't that many entries actually.

I also learned that most prize certificates or vouchers are mailed. So, I'll probably get something in the mail. Even so, I will call the radio station on Tuesday morning to see what I can find out. I swear Trapper said they would call me later...

Anyways, it is the holiday weekend which started with leaving work two hours early. Now, that's a tradition that I really like. That's also one of the reason that I always take off the day after the holiday rather than the day before. I'm looking forward to this weekend. I decided I better conserve my time off until I find out what's going on with this trip. So, I'm working on Tuesday.

Happy Friday, all.


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