Monday, September 19, 2005

Selfish Rantings

Good things come to those who wait. My only question long do I have to wait? My cup is almost empty and I have little left to give; when will the tables turn? Sounds pretty selfish, huh?

In the short run, people are pretty selfish. Everything is all about them. I have people I talk to on an almost daily basis that I enjoy trading stories with. They tell one, I tell one, and the world is in balance. I noticed, though, that they very rarely want to know about anything beyond what's going on that day. Most won't go out of their way to see if you're feeling better or having a better day.

I, personally, like to check up on people if I know things aren't going well for them. I might not be able to do much, but I can sure as hell listen. I can try to make them laugh, too. It isn't much, but it is me. But, damn it, every so often, I would like to have the table turned. I want to be acknowledged. I'm not just someone in the background that is always there. I'm important too, you know.

If I didn't show up one day, would anyone notice? Would any one care? There's a group of us that hang out for a half hour or so every day. If one of us is taking a day off, we usually let the others know. Sometimes we forget. I asked S on Friday if she had seen MB. She remembered hearing that MB was taking the day off. Someone usually knows. I haven't seen C in a few days, maybe I should send her an email tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. Why not? That's me.

Who are you?


Blogger Patry Francis said...

I may not work with you, but I notice when you don't show up on your blog.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Hey girl. Sounds like you needed to vent. Your a beautiful person. And I think a lot of you. So, there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Damn! you're, maybe. You said I couldn't delete the damn things, and now here you see. lol! I'm really not an idiot. Really.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

Patry, I haven't missed a day in almost seven months. Not sure why it is such a thing with me... But, thank you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

James, the more comments, the merrier!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005  

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