Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Sometimes, we are the victims of circumstance. Even if the circumstances are of our own creation, we are sometimes still victims. For that reason, the system I wrote about in my last story wouldn't work so well. If the world were always black and white, if there were never any extenuating circumstances, and if there were never any moments of insanity, it might work.

The problem is that there is always another side to the coin. The problems is that sometimes good people do bad things. I have no problem subscribing to such a system when bad people do bad things, but that's not always the case.

Everyone has problems. Some problems require special care but can be managed easily with medication. This is all well and good, but what happens when a dose is missed here or a prescription cannot be refilled because the patient cannot afford it? What happens when we add drugs and alcohol to the mix? Even the easily managed medical problem can get out of whack.

Thanks to another blogger, I have been reading about a third blogger who will be incarcerated for crimes he cannot remember. He has an amazing attitude about life and himself given what he is facing. The story I posted yesterday would be totally inappropriate in his case. Lack of medication, drinking, and depression caused him to behave badly. He is paying that price.

We cannot force people to take their medications. We cannot make sure that the people who need medication have enough money to acquire them. Why can't we? I mean, no, we cannot force you to take meds. But, why can't we make sure that if you need the meds and you'll take them, why can't we make sure that you can get them?

Why aren't there more support groups and such available? On television, you always see people walking into churches at all hours of the day. I don't recall one instance where there wasn't someone already in the church to greet the newcomer. There was always a father or priest on hand. These days, you'd be lucky to find the church door unlocked except on Sunday. Why is that?


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Before I get too far and forget, It should be is another side to the coin. Right?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

You could rephrase and leave it. I don't know, something like . . . other sides. But then you'd have to go on to say . . . to other or different coins. I'm gonna shut up now and go read the rest of this.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005  
Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Simply, our world has changed in many ways; that's your answer. But it is up to us as the dreamers to remind, to be the story tellers, to light the fires of goodness again. Nice follow up piece. ~ James

Wednesday, September 14, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

The "is" is correct and I have fixed it, thank you. You summed it up nicely.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005  

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