Saturday, August 13, 2005

Small Stuff

It is the small things that make us appreciate life for what it is. It is the small things that also give us the most grief. Somewhere around here I have a book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." It is good advice. I don't think I've ever done more than glance through the book, but the title is enough to make one think.

I broke a nail today in the grocery store. It will grow back. Breaking nails isn't always a painless experience. In this case, it bent backwards before it broke. And, it always breaks halfway across and never at a convenient time. I generally just grab the nail and rip it the rest of the way across. Oh well, it is only a nail. Some people get really bent out of shape about their nails.

I think there's a mentality about fingernails. As soon as you decide that your nails look pretty good, they start to break. I think I've had perfect nails for all of about 10 minutes in my life. But, as long as I can type and pick things up and scratch someone's back, an imperfect set of nails suits me just fine.

Sometimes, I think perfection is over-rated. If I want to do something, I won't not do it simply to avoid messing up my nails or my hair. Now, if I don't want to do something, my hair is as good of an excuse as any. Allergies are an even better excuse for avoiding outdoor activities. If the allergies didn't exist, though, I think the outdoors would be a much more attractive place.

Of course, bugs are always a problem. I can't necessarily enjoy a meal outdoors when I periodically get buzzed by bees and flies. At least with ants and such, you can usually see their approach. With flying things, no so. They also have a knack for doing the opposite of what you think they are going to do.

Even so, this is all small stuff. It is the weekend; enjoy it.


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