Monday, August 08, 2005

Five Months and Going Strong?

Yesterday marked five months since I started this blog. I have made a post each and every day. Usually, the posts are related to writing. How am I doing so far?

I'm thrilled to have added the fourth and final book to Night Lights. It was a bit incomplete as it was. The first chapter, however, was able to stand alone. After that, it would have been like stopping in the middle of a sentence. You can't have that. If you made it all the way through the story, I'd love to hear what you thought of it. I'm quite pleased with the last chapter. It actually leaves itself open to a sequel which I am NOT going to write.

My email box has been super slow lately. I haven't had responses on any submissions or posts for that matter. It is a little disconcerting. Life goes on though. Now that I've used up all my short stories, I'll have to start coming up with topics again for my entries. Either that, or, I'll have to write some more stories.

Have a great evening, all.


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