Sunday, July 10, 2005

Mind Set

I think part of being a writer is the ability to put yourself inside your character or your setting and write about it. We need to be careful in this because you may get questions for friends wondering if you're okay.

I've written several poems about loss and heartbreak recently. They are not from my own life. However, the fact that I have experienced heartbreak at some time allows me to project those feelings into work written when life is good. Let's face it, too, even when life is good, there are always things that could make it better.

Writing in the here and now is wonderful, but the here and now represents only a small part of our experience. Interrupting the now to write about it would be detrimental to that moment. So, we write about the past as it was and we write about the future.

The future actually provides us with many opportunities. We have the future as we would like it to be. We have the future that actually comes about. We have the future as what it could be.

Find your possibilities today. Write about them. Then, make sure your friends know whether you've written fact or fiction.


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