Saturday, July 30, 2005


I started posting the installments of Night Lights on July 24. If you made it all the way through the story, I thank you for reading and sticking with it. There are two more "books" to the story. Book Two is about the colony and Jim's arrival there. Book Three goes back to Emma's story. Both are incomplete.

We've finished Book One which was centered around Jim. I'm curious to know overall reactions to this completed book. I'm infatuated with the whole process so I am not objective in my opinions. Jim's death, I know, came as a shock to some. I think the last chapter rather explained the process. Jim had gotten his wish (from the first chapter) and had a wonderful last year.

Were enough questions answered throughout the story? I'm already aware of a couple places that I need to re-visit. I'm not sure there will be an outcome to this visitation, but I will certainly try.


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