Monday, June 27, 2005

A non-Typical Day

Invariably, we find ourselves places we’d rather not be. I like my job, but there are so many times I’d rather be elsewhere. When things are going slow, especially, I can think of so many alternatives. Writing can help us through these times. We have the ability to create scenarios that are more appealing to us in so many ways.

What more could I ask for? I have coffee, music, and a blank page. I’m still doing my work too. Life doesn’t get much better than this considering that I actually get a paycheck for doing what I do. I run a lot of queries on the mainframe. These take time when dealing with providers, members, and claims. I have a lot of down time. While I wait for things to finish, I transport myself where I would rather be.

In my air-conditioned world,
the heat of outdoors is controlled.
The thermostat adjusted to my comfort level.
I don’t sweat gallons doing nothing,
but fret to be productive differently—
efficiently and effectively.

Modern technology cooperates sometimes.
Each day, it assumes a mind all its own
that tries to capture and control mine.
We play the waiting game often,
hurry up and wait—for what reason?
Machine dictates terms of endearment.

Instead, we can travel to Oz or the other side of the rainbow and find things much more to our liking. We can find others or not to suit our moods. We can defy the scheduled rigor mortis of life. Each moment of life, we are one moment closer to death. We can let these moments simply tick away, or we can make the most of them.

The clock marks time in my life,
tick, tick, tick go precious moments
spent in idle anticipation of no one.
This time could be better spent enjoying
my own company and yours
even if only in the utopia of my mind.

We could embark on the perfect sunset
and explore each other’s silences
without hesitation or reluctance.
We could stroll through the garden
of nod and find a fairy willing to share
a tale of after the ever after and then.

Just think of how many places we could visit in a normal day. Even better, imagine the people we could interact with in our minds. All it takes is a little imagination. Capturing that imagination on paper wouldn’t be so shabby either.

There has to be more to life
than the wait from one weekend
to the next, from one holiday
or vacation to retirement.
Yet, it is a tolerable cycle.

I’d rather have tea with Alice
and explore her Wonderland.
I’d wait for the late rabbit
and wonder where he’d gone.
I’d find a hole to plant myself.

I’d question the Cheshire Cat
to see what he really knows
and if he’s met curiosity and won.
I’d eat, drink, expand, and shrink
to know Alice’s world better.

We simply need to maintain our grasp on the reality of life while we venture on our side excursions. We don’t want to be too far gone at any given time that we miss an important indicator of performance. When all of a sudden you have three email and four voice mail waiting your return, we’ve lost our grip.

My phone rings insistently
to remind me I’m still
on the clock and ticking.
What a rude awakening
as I pull myself back
from the land of Oz.

Must I surrender
to yet another machine
and cease my revelry?
Unfortunately, the clock
owns me until quitting time.
“Good afternoon, Work.”

There are times, of course, when everyone is on the same page and things just work right. These days may be few and far between, but they do exist. Sometime there will be one small event in a given day that leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling. I was fortunate to have such a moment today.

Shower me with candy
for being who I am.
It is the one gift I know
that transports me
above the heavens.

I never sought return.
I had something
you admired; I gave
without regret.
Chocolate rules!


Blogger Erin said...

ok you gave me hell about "pressed" - you're on a rainbow kick...

Monday, June 27, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

Okay, so I have to get away from the Wizard of Oz. Did you notice I mentioned the wicked witch the other day? I don't think, though, that I used rainbow in a poem. I think I've just blogged it to death.

Monday, June 27, 2005  

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