Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Check Your Work

One should have their facts straight when posting on the internet. Yesterday, I spoke about Humpty Dumpty and got it wrong. I will attribute this to advancing age, but if I was unsure of the rhyme, I should have checked it. There is a wonderful resource at our fingertips.

If an error is noted, we should do what we can to fix it. Understandably, there are some cases where we cannot have access to the errors. An error noticed after a publisher's proof has been approved would be one example. We want to check our work to make sure it is accurate before we send it off. Even after we check it, do it one more time. Once the error is printed, it doesn't change.

In our excitement of being published and in our closeness to our own work, we might forget to check the work again because we are eager to send it back. This is a giant mistake. If nothing else, have someone else look at it for you. A daily blog isn't a big deal, but a published work would be a huge deal.

Take the time to check your facts and to check your work. Little things will always slip through, but let's try to minimize the instances of those little things.


Blogger Patry Francis said...

I can't believe how many errors I'm blind to in my own work...makes me wonder how much I don't see about my life.

Watchfulness is always a good idea. Thanks for the reminder--and for all the other creative input on your blog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

You're not alone. I am horrible about catching things in my own work. I think it is because we are too close to it.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005  
Blogger Erin said...

having found out that copies of my chapbook were being delivered with the stapling crooked, I took a closer look at my book, and realized that the numbering on the table of contents doesn't match the actual page numbers of each poem :|

And of course, you caught that to/too problem in the one poem...

Yes, having someone else look over your work is a wonderful idea! Thanks V!

Thursday, June 30, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

I'm just about always available for just that, E~

Thursday, June 30, 2005  

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