Thursday, June 02, 2005

Bury the Past (Not!)

Cherish each moment since they will disappear too quickly. We never know what is around the bend. I wrote once about the past, present, and future and I still remember the piece. It is so true! I thought I'd share part of it with you today.

"One problem will always exist in comparing the past, present and future. The past and the future continually cover more ground. The further back in time you go, the more of the past you will cover. The same is with the future, only you’re covering the opposite direction. But with the present, ranges may vary from one-tenth of a second or less to a year or more; depending upon your opinion of exactly what the present is. If you think the present is the exact second of time, then efforts to compare that present is wasted because it all too quickly becomes the past." (10/13/76)

Not too shabby for a 16-year old, heh?

I also found this today, it is in keeping with waiting for a rejection...

Which Way is Up?


Dramatize spectacular events
and believe them to be real.
Televise predictable experiences
and the script acts itself.

Once in a purple, cheese moon
my day will go as planned.
Only then does life read
like the written poem.

Shake up the world
and be out of character.
Only intelligible words
make it to print (in crayon).

Decisions go undecided
and cause dire predicaments
that enable us to completely forget
the way back to Oz via Kansas.

I like this one too. Seems I still have the same complaints...

The Internet Junkie


I’ve been trapped inside myself
a thousand weeks. My head
aches for release from pressure
and bleeds from self-inflicted torture.

Introverted hell.

Relief comes only in transference
to digitalized highways of hardware.
My mouse acts as a neurotransmitter
to jump the synapses of the internet.

Extroverted heaven.

Companionship is the web page
that loads painstakingly slow
and redirects psychotic users
to advertisements of useless sex.

Pessimistic reality.

Communication is sporadic
in insufficient email responses.
Supplements often justify
the existence of empty chat rooms.

Optimistic rationality.


Blogger Erin said...

I seem to recall this last piece... don't I? That piece from age 16 is pretty deep for a teen!

The middle piece, well yeah, I agree with a lot of it. Especially those unintelligable words making it to print. I post with a guy at the V that writes shit that, to me, seems to be so much nonsense on th epage. Others seem to be really impressed with it, me? Well, I prefer to know what the hell I'm reading before I praise it, you know?

WTF does "Oh! I don't think I understand this, but I LOVE it!" mean?

Thursday, June 02, 2005  
Blogger Vickie said...

I'm still looking for that piece I told Scout about. Maybe I imagined it, but dang if I don't like some of the old stuff I wrote. I even had to go back and make a correction to a poem I wrote in high Memory lane is so much fun.

Thursday, June 02, 2005  

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