Thursday, May 05, 2005

There Comes a Time

There comes a time when you have to start wondering whether any of the things you do make a difference. This post makes 60 days since I started the blog. There's one additional post for the counter. For the month of April, National Poetry Month, I posted an entry a day from this blog. The responses were disappointing to say the least. I did, at least, get more comments at MoontownCafe than I do here, but still. The number of reads averaged around a dozen. One day, I barely had four reads.

I keep trying to convince myself that I'm doing this for myself. Some day, little tidbits from these entries will all come together to create one hell of an article. Maybe I'll actually have more than one. I have two semi-articles already started plus the ones from Wired Poet. These incomplete projects will re-surface and get done. Same with the short stories I started a couple of years

Who am I kidding? Today I will convince myself that I do this simply to see myself in print. The page looks nice and it looks like I'm doing something constructive. Maybe it is simply wasted space. I deserve the space, thank you very much.

Chicken Soup deserves a break today. I did, however, ask Mike how old he was. He is so young at 26, and now he has a 5 year old son. Amazing


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