Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The Shortest Distance

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. This is often the best mode of transportation. Sometimes, it is necessary to alter our route if the straight line might pose a danger or threat to us. Otherwise, this is the fastest and most convenient way to get to our destination. It is probably the most boring way.

When we write, the straight line is probably not the way to go. We’ve already talked about having a plan and getting from point A to point B. We need to keep this in mind, obviously, but we also need to consider what alternate routes are available to us. An interested reader will continue reading. A bored one may not.

Consider the last time you got lost when you were out driving. My experience is particularly vivid even today. I was following my honey. He made the light; I did not. The vehicle I was following was new and I was not all that familiar with what the rear end looked like. It was getting dark. It was also starting to snow. Mind you, many colors are identical in the dark.

After the light changed, I spotted the rear end of the pick up truck I continued my pursuit. It turned into a cul de sac. I didn’t think this was the way home, but I followed faithfully. It was a short distance further that I realized I was following the wrong pickup truck! By then, I was totally turned around and hunting for a familiar street name.

After what seemed like an eternity, I got to Wilson Mills Road. I knew Wilson Mills. I even knew the cross street I was on. I just had no sense of direction from there. All I needed was a sign that said which way I needed to go on Wilson Mills to get where I wanted to end up. I stopped at a convenience store and asked a clerk which way to turn to get to Richmond Rd. From there, I would be in familiar territory.

By now, the snow is coming down harder and my temperature is rising with every tenth of a mile I drive. I arrive at the pre-determined destination and my honey (a misnomer by now) is waiting for me. I was livid by then. I swore I would never follow him anywhere again.

So, my point is that I could have simply told you that I got lost. I think the story I told was much more interesting. Don’t you?


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