Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Saying So Can Make It So

Sometimes having a positive attitude about what we want to accomplish can help us do just that. Yesterday, I had a mental checklist of several things I wanted to do. I had posed a challenge to a friend, the challenge was my first item on my “to do” list. I also decided that I wanted to have something to submit for the fourth anniversary of 9/11. That was the second item on my list.

Both of these items were adequately completed rather quickly. I must mention, however, that I never included my blog entry on that list. That entry took a little more doing. I did, however, include the idea of compiling a list of publishing credits. That hasn’t been done yet.

A mental or written “to do” list can help you accomplish what you need to do. It also allows you to track progress. This doesn’t mean you will always be successful in completing everything on your list. It does mean that if you’re honest about what you really want to do, identifying the task can make it more possible.


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