Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Practice Makes Perfect

When we first learned to walk, we took tentative steps and fell down a lot. As we got more practice and learned the art of balance, our steps improved and the incidence of falling reduced significantly. The same is true for writing. With anything that we do, the more we do it, hopefully, the better we get at doing it.

Consider the act of falling to be the receipt of a rejection. Rejections can help us to grow as writers. Let’s say it is one particular type of writing that keeps getting rejected. Another type of writing has been accepted. Maybe we need to concentrate more on the type of writing that has shown success. What are we doing differently between the two types of writing?

This does not mean we can no longer write both types of pieces. It simply means that we need to evaluate our processes. If one type of writing gets accepted and the other rejected, we want to push that which will be accepted. We can always put the other writing to the back burner and re-evaluate it at a later date. There may just not be a viable market for what you’re offering.

Some advice then, know your market and know your readers. Internet access and email make information much more obtainable. Do some research to find out what works. It might same you some heartache in the end. Once you find a system that works, use that system to your advantage. Be open to new ideas and options in other areas, but when tried and true works best…use it!


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