Monday, March 21, 2005

Why Bother?

Why bother? That's a very good question. We bother because we hope someone will "get it." We bother because we hope someone will understand. We bother because we hope our words will affect someone. Write your heart out!

What happens when we get a bad review of our work? Get up and walk away! Don't hit the delete key; don't reach out and slap at the computer; don't blow up; and certainly, don't reply, not yet. Just take a deep breath and get up and walk away. Once the initial reaction is over, come back and deal with the bad review.

Most online boards try to foster an atmosphere of encouragement. Some people never seem to get the hang of that. Some people never learn tact. Both of these are critical when reviewing the work of others. When we review another's work, try to find something positive to say. Try some of these:

I see that you've been revising this piece. I like what you've done so far, but maybe just a little bit more. I see...

I like the idea behind this poem, but I have a problem with....

The opening to this is wonderful as is the ending. The middle, however, might work better if...

Each of these comments starts out with something positive even when we have something not-so-positive to say. Each one of these tempers the initial reaction to lash out. Hopefully, each of these will have the writer evaluating the ideas presented.

Now, back to the bad review. Is there anything in the review worthwhile? Can we ignore the lack of tact and lack of people skills in order to gain something from the comment? While you consider the review, also remember why you bothered to write the item in question in the first place. If you can respond rationally to the review, then do it. Otherwise, wait for another day.

Remember, too, this is the opinion of one person and not necessarily the opinion of anyone else. If the suggestion doesn't make sense, or even if it does, it is your work and you don't have to follow the advice. You might make a comment as to why you won't follow the advice just to show that you considered it. Don't, and I mean don't, stoop to their level.

Some people just never get the fact that there are feelings attached to works of art. Some people don't play well with others. Let's try not to be one of those people.


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