Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Audio and Visual Stimulants

The other day we talked about ways to become inspired. Rather, I talked and you read. The ideas presented previously were basically using the written word. We don't want to rule out all of the other possibilities. There are plenty of audio and visual stimulants that can lead to inspiration.

Watch a movie. How did the movie make you feel? Was there something in the movie that kept nagging at you? Write about it.

Check out some pictures. What does the picture say to you? Write about it. Several poetry web sites have picture poetry. A picture is posted and members are asked to submit a poem about the picture. It is really interesting to see how perceptions differ between people.

Listen to some music. Maybe you put music on to mellow you out. Write about it. Maybe you put music on to keep you company. Write about it. Or, maybe music is an outlet for you. Put that down as well.

Take a walk and see what nature has to offer. Walking is a good exercise as well. Strap on the pedometer before you start out. If you don't see anything inspiring during your walk, maybe you can meet a goal that you set for yourself. Write about that.

Take some time out of your walk to observe the people you see. What are their stories? Obviously, you don't know, but imagine what their stories would be. Now, tell us about them. Maybe you see something that is a little odd. Tell us about the oddity and how it came about.

In other words, write about anything that makes an impression on you. Carry a pad of paper and a pencil and just jot down your ideas throughout the day. None of us have time to act upon every idea when they happen. Save the ideas for a later time when they are more easily digestible.


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